Why support Coffee Talk…

This event is a labor of love. We know we can make great things happen, but we need financial support to do it. We are implementing a professional coaching scholarship program as part of our long-range plans. We encourage companies who have a vision and passion to help grow their women employees into great leaders to support this program. Coffee Talk could be your greatest asset.

As an owner of a small company, there is no greater gift then to give back to other women in any way I can. Coffee Talk is my way to pay it forward. Please consider working with us.

Download the Sponsorship Packet

Presenting Sponsor

  • Logo above event name
  • 1st position logo on print, event signage and event website
  • Opportunity to display company information
  • Opportunity to distribute promotional items to all attendees
  • Opportunity to speak to attendees at the opening of Coffee Talk for maximum of 5 minutes
  • Acknowledgement in all public relations efforts
  • 10 tickets   

Presenting Sponsor Investment: $5,000 (two companies maximum and category exclusivity)

Corporate Sponsor

  • Logo below event name
  • 2nd position logo on print, event signage and event website
  • Opportunity to display company information
  • Opportunity to distribute promotional items to all attendees
  • Acknowledgement in all public relations efforts when applicable
  • 6 tickets 

Corporate Sponsor Investment: $2,500 (no restriction on number of companies and no exclusivity)

Associate Sponsor

  • Logo on event signage
  • Logo on event website
  • 2 tickets   

Associate Sponsor Investment: $1,000 (No restriction on number of companies and no exclusivity)

Non Profit / Small Business (10 & under employees)

  • Logo on website
  • 1 tickets 

Non Profit and Small Business Investment: $300 (No restriction on number of companies and no exclusivity)

Additional sponsorship opportunities

Companies that want to take advantage of our guest speaker’s visit to Coffee Talk may work with JBM & Associates to negotiate a private session with the keynote speaker that week. This opportunity allows an unlimited number of employees to have the benefit of this national speaker in their own environment.


NOTE: After sponsorships are sold, and if there are open seats, we will open up the event to the public. We will also select 4 women we feel would benefit from this event to attend at no charge.

Corporate Sponsors

  • GHS
  • Truluck Thomason
  • Wynit
  • Find Great People
  • scansource

Associate Sponsors

  • Bon Secours
  • South State Bank
  • Baldor
  • BMW
  • PSG
  • Clemson University
  • T&S Brass and Bronze Works,
  • Red Fox Road

Small Business

  • Vital Spaces
  • Supercuts
  • Edward Jones
  • Unique Builders
  • Simms Caine
  • HollyTree
  • adamantine alliance
  • PuroClean

Food & Beverage

  • Starbucks


  • Indexx Printing
  • Slang Creative
  • Mercy Verity Candles